With three million visitors a year wanting to use temporary storage facilities, a neat and flexible lock system is crucial. Kulturhuset Stadsteatern – Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre has Flexlock installed on its lockers at entrance level.
Stockholm City Theatre amalgamated in 2013 with the House of Culture, forming the Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre. The theatre building is located in the Skansen district, and the entrance is on Drottninggatan. Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre is a public Stockholm venue. Throughout the year, it provides a welcoming setting for new cultural perspectives that change on a daily basis. On offer are countless shows and performances, concerts, exhibitions, meetings and a library. Overall, these activities host a total of almost three million visitors a year.
At entrance level, visitors can use temporary storage facilities. For these storage facilities, Stockholm House of Culture & City Theatre required a lock system with flexible management and administration. The lockers also had to have a time-control option. Because the locks were used on a frequent basis, a robust and durable lock was needed. To be flexible to any changes in locker, they wanted a solution that did not require a wired-in power supply to each storage unit.
Their chosen option was our Flexlock Visible RFID lock which is specially designed for slightly more challenging environments. The lock is opened and locked with a contactless key card and can be easily programmed with a timer function. It can be installed in both new and existing storage units that currently have cylinder locks. The lock is battery-powered and does not require an external power supply. Clear indication via a LED that flashes green when the storage unit is empty.
Valet föll på vårt RFID-lås Flexlock Visible som är anpassat för lite mer utsatta miljöer. Låset öppnas och låses med beröringsfrria nyckelkort och kan enkelt programmeras med timerfunktion. Det kan installeras i både nya och befintliga förvaringar där det idag sitter cylinderlås. Låset är batteridrivet
och ingen extern strömförsörjning krävs. Tydlig indikering med LED-diod som blinkar grönt om förvaringen är ledig.
Flexlock is a flexible lock system for furniture and storage units. The system is based on RFID technology, and many customers use it as an extension of their existing access control system without an additional card for the user. The lock is available in two versions – Flexlock Invisible (fitted concealed on the inside) and Flexlock Visible (fitted on the outside). The locks are easy to fit, in both new and existing storage units. The system, which does not require any wiring, works for drawers, sliding doors, sliding-door cabinets and locker doors.
Stockholm City Theatre opted for our Flexlock Visible RFID lock which is specially designed for slightly more challenging environments. The lock is opened and locked with a contactless key card and can be easily programmed with a timer function. The lock is battery-powered and does not require an external power supply. Clear indication via a LED that flashes green when the storage unit is empty.