Flexlock has solutions for many different types of lockable storage spaces. A good example of Flexlock’s versatility is the delivery to the new Regionens Hus in in Region Västra Götaland.
Both Gothenburg and Skövde have buildings called Regionens Hus, and these are where the Region carries out its business operations. In Gothenburg, the new building accommodates around 1,500 staff, and in Skövde there will be 400 people working there once everything is completed.
A lot of staff translates into a serious need of storage solutions. Modern office environments require a lot of lockable drawers and cabinets, and early on in the process the purchasing heads decided on Flexlock as a solution.
–ABAKO Arkitektkontor and Independent Interior worked closely with the Region throughout the entire planning process. Central to this work was checking out the possibilities offered by the market based on the project’s needs. Our locks were part of the overall solution, says Victoria Andréasson, Key Account Manager at Swedstyle in charge of the Flexlock product.
After a procurement process in accordance with the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU), various lock systems from Flexlock have been integrated in many types of storage facility, in both Gothenburg and Skövde.
–In Skövde, we’re talking mainly of private storage facilities. The staff who work there have an access control pass which also manages their private drawers and cabinets inside the office. A neat solution is that the same cards also unlock the mailboxes, where several individuals share the same box. This shows they are utilising the potential offered by Flexlock to the full, says Victoria Andréasson.
The Gothenburg building’s needs were slightly different.
–In addition to personal storage, there are more changing areas here with metal cabinets, as well as luggage lockers up in the office areas. The luggage lockers are non-personal with locks programmed in what we call “public mode”. This means that the user can take a vacant locker and lock it with their personal access control pass. Once it has been opened and emptied, the same locker is free for the next user, says Victoria Andréasson.
Once everything has been installed and finished off and the staff are on site in their new workplace, there remains a final chapter for Flexlock. Training sessions for caretakers and users.
–It’s extremely pleasing to see how satisfied many of them are with the simplicity of what we deliver, says Victoria Andréasson.
–Abako Arkitekter med Independent Interior har jobbat nära Regionen under hela planeringsprocessen. Koll på marknadens möjligheter utefter projektets behov har varit centralt i det arbetet. Våra lås var en del av den totala lösningen, säger Victoria Andréasson som är Key Account Manager på Swedstyle som står bakom produkten Flexlock. Efter upphandling enligt LOU har olika låssystem från Flexlock integrerats i många typer av förvaring, både i Göteborg och i Skövde.
–I Skövde handlar det mest om privata förvaringar. De som arbetar där har ett passerkort som också hanterar deras privata lådor och skåp inne på kontoret. En smidig lösning är att samma kort även låser upp postfacken och här är det flera personer som delar på ett fack. Det visar att de utnyttjar möjligheterna hos Flexlock på ett bra sätt, säger Victoria Andréasson.
I Göteborg var behoven delvis annorlunda. Förutom personlig förvaring så finns det här mer omklädningsutrymmen med plåtskåp och även bagageskåp uppe i kontorsmiljön. Bagageskåpen är opersonliga med låsen programmerade i vad vi kallar för ”public mode”. Det betyder att användaren kan ta ett ledigt skåp och låsa med sitt personliga passerkort. När det är öppnat och tömt är samma skåp ledigt för nästa användare.
–Det är tillfredsställande att se hur nöjda många är med enkelheten i det vi levererar, säger Victoria Andréasson. När allt är installerat och klart och personalen är på plats på sin nya arbetsplats återstår en sista del för Flexlock. Utbildningar för vaktmästare och användare.
Flexlock is a flexible lock system for furniture and storage units. The system is based on RFID technology, and many customers use it as an extension of their existing access control system without an additional card for the user. Flexlock is easy to fit, in both new and existing storage units, and is available as Visible (with an external locking knob) and Invisible (with a concealed lock mechanism). The system, which does not require wiring or central control via an IT system, works for drawers, sliding doors, sliding-door cabinets and cabinet doors.