
Flexlock Wireless offers wireless connection to the locks, with central administration in the cloud. Changes are made without having to be physically present at the locks. Wireless is a system for those with changing storage needs who want to be able to manage many locks and users quickly and flexibly in a structured way. All types of RFID cards and tags can be used.

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Flexlock Wireless is a system that has been optimised to manage many locks and users, as well as frequent changes in lock function. All data is stored in the cloud and can be easily and securely administered via a web browser. Changes are sent automatically to the locks throughout the business or other operation.

Flexlock Wireless also provides a history containing information as to who used the lock and when. Battery status is also displayed, making it easy to see when it is time to change battery.

Here is a brief outline of how Flexlock Wireless works:

  • Run as a secure cloud service and administered via a web interface.
  • Provides easy management and an excellent overview of locks, users and use.
  • The system stores battery status and user history for both private and multipurpose locks.
  • Easy to modify any of Flexlock’s basic functions, e.g. mode, audible signal and LED light.
  • The user card is read in securely via our USB card reader.
  • The system updates the locks via the Internet and distributed connected Flexlock Link Gateways which manage information to the locks wirelessly.

Flexlock Wireless is a flexible and cost-effective lock system with flexible central administration. Flexlock Wireless is at its very best in large, frequently changing organisations which have storage at multiple locations in a building.

This solution is sold as “software as a service” (SAAS) and you sign up to it on the basis of a contract. The contract also includes a service level agreement (SLA) and data processing agreement (DPA).

Så här fungerar Flexlock Wireless i korthet:

  • Drivs som en säker molntjänst och administreras via webbgränssnitt. 
  • Ger en enkel hantering och bra översikt över lås, användare och användning.
  • I systemet lagras batteristatus och användarhistorik på både privata och valfria lås.
  • Enkelt att förändra Flexlocks alla grundfunktioner, till exempel mode, ljudsignal och LED-ljus.
  • Användarkort läses säkert in via vår USB-kortläsare.
  • Systemet uppdaterar låsen via internet och utplacerade uppkopplade Flexlock Link Gateways som hanterar trådlös information till låsen.

Flexlock Wireless är ett flexibelt och prisvärt låssystem med smidig central administration. Flexlock Wireless är som allra bäst i stora och föränderliga organisationer med förvaring på flera platser i en byggnad.

Denna lösning säljs som ”mjukvara som en tjänst” (SAAS)  och tecknas med ett avtal. I avtalet ingår även Servicenivåavtal (SLA) och Personbitträdeavtal (PUB).

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Dick  Thunell

Dick Thunell

Sales Manager Nordic Countries
Björn Fängström

Björn Fängström

Key Account Manager Nordic Countries - Stockholm/Norrland