
With Flexlock Smart, you use mobile phones as keys. The mobile app communicates directly with the lock and the cloud service. You manage administration from your computer, giving you a great deal of flexibility. Changes and new authorisations are visible directly in the user’s app.

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Just like all Flexlock models, Flexlock Smart is a battery-powered lock. Together with the Smart solution, this makes the system extremely flexible. You can have e.g. individual storage areas at different locations (in a municipality or region) which are all administered via the central system. The user’s mobile carries lock data to the relevant stand-alone lock. Existing Flexlock Mifares can easily be upgraded to Flexlock Smart.

Flexlock Smart also provides a history containing information as to who used the lock and when. Battery status is also displayed, making it easy to see when it is time to change battery.

Here is a brief outline of how Flexlock Smart works:

  • The administrator manages locks and users via a web browser.
  • Flexlock Smart is sold as a cloud service where all data is stored.
  • Information and activities are communicated via the mobile app, which is in wireless contact with the locks via Bluetooth.
  • In the mobile app, the user only sees the lockers they have access to.
  • Battery status and lock history are displayed and stored in the administration program.
  • The system meets current GDPR legislation and has support for customer-tailored anonymisation of history and clearing function.

Flexlock Smart is the modern and flexible way to use and administer RFID locks. Works perfectly for just a few locks as well as for thousands of them. Flexlock Smart can easily administer locks which are in completely different geographical locations.

Flexlock Smart is compatible with both Flexlock Invisible and Flexlock Visible.

This solution is sold as “software as a service” (SAAS) and you sign up to it on the basis of a contract. The contract also includes a service level agreement (SLA) and data processing agreement (DPA).

Så här fungerar Flexlock Smart i korthet:

  • Administratören hanterar lås och användare via webbläsare.
  • Flexlock Smart säljs som en molntjänst där all data lagras.
  • Information och aktiviteter går via mobilapplikationen, som har trådlös kontakt med låsen via Bluetooth.
  • Användaren ser enbart de skåp den har tillgång till i mobilappen.
  • Batteristatus och låshistorik ses och lagras i administrationsprogrammet.
  • Systemet uppfyller gällande GDPR-lagstiftning och har stöd för  kundanpassad anonymisering av historik och gallringsfunktion.

Flexlock Smart är det moderna och flexibla sättet att använda och administrera RFID-lås. Fungerar perfekt för såväl ett fåtal lås som för tusentals lås. Flexlock Smart kan enkelt administrera lås som ligger på geografiskt helt olika platser. 

Flexlock Smart är kompatibelt med både Flexlock Invisible och Flexlock Visible.

Denna lösning säljs som ”mjukvara som en tjänst” (SAAS)  och tecknas med ett avtal. I avtalet ingår även Servicenivåavtal (SLA) och Personbitträdeavtal (PUB).

Contact us and we will tell you more

Dick  Thunell

Dick Thunell

Sales Manager Nordic Countries
Björn Fängström

Björn Fängström

Key Account Manager Nordic Countries - Stockholm/Norrland